Intelligence Quotient Appearance

As a brand new intelligent display terminal, Smart Business display has been widely used in the information construction of various industries such as commerce, medical care, retail, education, finance, transportation, tourism, entertainment, advertising and media. As the entry point of human-computer interaction, commercial display will be closer to consumers' habits and experiences, and more and more innovative products will appear. We provide customers with a variety of hardware and software platforms, support a variety of LCD specifications, peripherals and application scenarios, to make innovative products.

Technical Features
  • Intelligent push
    Intelligent push

    Quickly identify and predict various users' interests or preferences, and push the required information to users actively in a timely manner to meet the personalized needs of different users

  • Flow statistics
    Flow statistics

    Scientifically and accurately record the traffic of visitors to a particular page

  • Entertainment interaction
    Entertainment interaction

    Integrating entertainment and interactive functions, it has a good experience effect and can better serve all aspects of people's life

Product Service
  • Electronic class board
    Electronic class board

    As an information release platform, e-class board provides the entrance of cultural construction and comprehensive management. Provide terminal devices of different sizes and specifications for different application scenarios. With the standard Android system, the management system can be put into operation by docking quickly.

  • Self-service terminals
    Self-service terminals

    Self-service terminal equipment provides electronic information equipment with various service functions, such as information inquiry, printing, payment and product selling. Support a variety of peripheral modules and system docking, to achieve a variety of functions.

  • Display advertising
    Display advertising

    Advertising display devices can be seen everywhere, belonging to the general information release platform, the product supports a variety of display interface, 4K display, support a variety of sizes display, support landscape, portrait, full screen and split screen playback and other common functions.

  • Beautiful magic mirror
    Beautiful magic mirror

    The magic mirror shows a harmonious proportion, good lighting effect and beautiful structure. It has the function of 3D makeup trial, one-second makeup trial, contactless makeup trial experience, and improves the shopping experience in the shopping mall.

Application Scenarios
  • Restaurant e-menu

    Restaurant e-menu

  • Retail display

    Retail display

  • Window display

    Window display

  • Government guide screen

    Government guide screen

  • Medical guide screen

    Medical guide screen

  • Traffic signs

    Traffic signs

  • Advertising screen

    Advertising screen

  • News broadcast screen

    News broadcast screen

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